Seattle Commercial Real Estate has expressed a clear concern for the commercial real estate business in Seattle since well before the advent of Covid. A recent spate of articlesRead more

With the lifting of the Covid guidelines by the CDC, it is like a fresh breath of air, which now you can take unmasked. But let’s look critically atRead more

This is the time of the year in Seattle that Spring heralds Cherry Blossoms on the University of Washington campus, clouds, sun, and freezing weather overnight. The same mayRead more

A classic TV commercial from years ago sent a clear message: “Where’s the Beef?” To all who are involved in Seattle commercial real estate, the messages we are now seeingRead more

Reopening Seattle’s economy is high on our list of concerns at Seattle Commercial Real Estate. Let’s take a look at what’s at play. Regionally, Seattle is still the bellwetherRead more
A recent article by a former Seattle City Council Member shed some interesting light on the issues relating to the ongoing Seattle homeless crisis and crime. At the sameRead more

The announcement by the Canadian government at the start of February prohibiting Alaska cruise ships from passing through Canadian waters heading north to Alaska, has created a significant problemRead more

A lengthy article at the first of the year in the Puget Sound Business Journal dealt with a decision made in Chicago by the Boeing Company. The article startedRead more

The start of 2021 is now almost two weeks old so a fresh look at the economy and Seattle commercial real estate is appropriate. Seattle is a Union TownRead more

From its inception, the City of Tacoma, Pierce County’s pride and joy, was known as the “City of Destiny”. It was the terminus of the cross-country rail line andRead more