This decade the Seattle commercial real estate market in the multi family sector will have added 27,000 housing units to downtown Seattle. At first glance that is a staggeringRead more
Following a national trend Seattle Commercial Real Estate has noted the move from the suburbs to downtown cores of corporate headquarters. The office leasing market is the beneficiary ofRead more
Multi-family land inside the City of Seattle is at a premium. Underdeveloped parcels are selling for redevelopment almost as fast as they come to market as land value transactions.Read more
South Lake Union had historically been defined as the area of small industrial buildings and single story businesses located south of Denny Way and bounded on the North byRead more
The dynamics of the Multi-family market have been nothing but up for several years now. But change is in the wind. The first big change is a major studyRead more
Seattle Commercial Real Estate LLC closely follows the multi-family, office rental and commercial real estate industry in the greater Seattle marketplace. We note signs pointing in different directions andRead more
Local and national long term relationships between real estate professionals and the team at Seattle Commercial Real Estate LLC provide a reflection of our market in commercial real estate…Read more
On January 13th, the front page of the Seattle Times featured an article which Seattle Commercial Real Estate addressed. In serving our clients looking for apartment buildings for sale…Read more
An article in the front page of the January 13th Seattle Times lamented rent increases sometimes running over 130% in older multifamily apartment buildings in Seattle. The article prominently…Read more
No matter what the issue, be it for commercial, industrial, or multiple residential, real estate, leasing or buying, choosing the “right” real estate agent by the client is essential.…Read more