In all of our writings and comments for the benefit of the clients of Seattle Commercial Real Estate, we address various segments of the commercial real estate industry whichRead more
The impact on commercial real estate and the growth of Seattle can best be analyzed by looking at the increase in core office space. From 2015-2017 Seattle added 8.9Read more
Seattle Commercial Real Estate has discussed TOD (Transit Oriented Development) and its impact on development of multi-family and related businesses. As we have noted in the SODO area ofRead more
In the just concluded Washington state legislative session, the commercial real estate industry received good news and bad news. The Bad News was in the form of raising theRead more
Like firecrackers on the 4th of July, Amazon and every move they make in real estate is like another firecracker going off on the holiday. The latest involves aRead more
Recently a driving force from the University of Washington passed away. This man was responsible for taking to the market some of the creations and ideas from academia toRead more

The rents in multi-family housing in the Seattle and Bellevue commercial real estate markets have enjoyed a steady and spectacular climb. The cry for “affordable housing” reached its peakRead more
The multi-family market in Seattle is in the midst of a 10% vacancy factor as the inevitable cycle of real estate supply and demand is now tipped to anRead more
Seattle multifamily has to be considered in the context of the Greater Seattle Market, which encompasses everything from Everett to Federal Way. Reality is that this is an areaRead more

Tourism is a “clean” industry. It has no fuss and no muss. For each tourist dollar generated by tourism, it creates a “turn” of 2.5 times. Thus, $1M ofRead more