Along with the growth of commercial real estate in general, the Seattle commercial real estate market has developed two other clean industries of note. The first, interestingly enough, isRead more
FANG is the new driving force in Bellevue real estate, so what is FANG? It is an acronym for Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google who are devouring largeRead more
$968,000,000, or just under $1 billion. Quite a sum of money, but that is only the projected cost of the new International Arrivals Facility at SeaTac Airport. Forget theRead more
“Affordable” housing is a relative term. With the rapid increase in the costs of single-family housing in Seattle, alternative living spaces such as condominiums and high end multi-family housingRead more
The professionals at Seattle Commercial Real Estate, with over 200 years of real estate experience, have watched the dynamics of development in the urban core of downtown Seattle andRead more
A measure used by the commercial real estate business of the health of the economy is to monitor retail sales. The State of Washington reports quarterly taxable retail sales.Read more
A recent spate of articles dealing with the commercial real estate health of Bellevue shines a light away from Seattle commercial real estate. The big deal a few yearsRead more
Several articles of interest appeared in the weekly Puget Sound Business Journal impacting Seattle commercial real estate. The first one that jumped out in the August 17th edition wasRead more
The Greater Seattle economy is closely tied to world trade. Any native from this area who goes back historically clearly remembers the cycles of boom and bust tied toRead more

As the professionals of Seattle Commercial Real Estate LLC started predicting a couple of years ago, mixed use rents have stabilized, fallen slightly and vacancies in our market areRead more