Jokingly, commercial real estate professionals call the construction cranes in downtown Seattle the new symbol of the city, not the iconic Space Needle. The evidence is staggering: 670 hotelRead more
Commercial office space demand in Seattle going forward is going to be driven by tenants looking to move to downtown markets. Healthcare and tech companies are the big driversRead more
Multi-family land inside the City of Seattle is at a premium. Underdeveloped parcels are selling for redevelopment almost as fast as they come to market as land value transactions.Read more
The dynamics of health in the Seattle commercial real estate economy relate to the health of our overall economy. On this front, there has been some bad news forRead more
Seattle Commercial Real Estate LLC has always taken a conservative approach on behalf of our clients to investment real estate, be it multi-family real estate, industrial real estate, orRead more
Seattle Commercial Real Estate LLC closely follows lending as a function of serving our clients. The lending atmosphere is a barometer of how confident the banks are in theRead more

The Seattle tourist industry is thriving. Its impact on commercial real estate is sounding even louder. Tourism is a “clean” industry and has a Multiplier Effect of 2.5. WhatRead more
South Lake Union had historically been defined as the area of small industrial buildings and single story businesses located south of Denny Way and bounded on the North byRead more
A “native” is someone who grew up in the Northwest and has moss on their north side. The culture of another era was “as Boeing goes, so goes theRead more
Seattle Commercial Real Estate watches all kinds of indexes and news releases to keep our clients up-to-speed and knowledgeable in the commercial real estate investment market. It is interestingRead more